Sunrise Sunset

So yesterday wasn’t a vegetarian day for me.  I meant for it to be, but I was enticed by an eel cucumber roll at Ding.  So I guess I’m off the path of the perfect mystic journey (#ghandishealthguide #themakersdiet) until the pendulum from #sunrisetosunset stops again.  I did make the vegetarian path for 72 hours straight in the days prior, though.

For my friend Darcie, I propose a game for Dr. Hawkins’ LOC about food… By eating a certian way you can increase or decrease your karma and level of consciousness (obviously, eating isn’t the only way to increase your karma … it is only one facet of living the good life – but eating is a big factor that is always there).

1 – 199 – Carnivore Diet, Sugar, Junkfood

201 – 300 – Omnivore Diet, SugarMD Diet

301 – 400 – Flexitarian Diet

401 – 500 – Vegetarian Diet

501 – 600 – Pescatarian Diet

601 – + – Vegan Diet

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