New Mental Health / Jail System in Oklahoma

My delusions tell me that the new mental health and jail facilities are being planned around my psychic abilities, David Hawkin’s work, and what I write about here (BECAUSE of how people are going to flock all around the world to try to occupy space here to escape #AnAngryEarthMother and #ClimateWeirding #GlacialSurvivalGame).

Also, I think the new facility will be close to  Lots of opportunities for group homes in OKC for the mentally disabled (that for some reason are underserved at the moment).  I couldn’t find anything except Mid Del.  I’d really like to start something like this (group farm home) but in Okc:  I could function in some place like that.  And I know other people could too…

I decided to start going to a NAMI support group again.  I’ve been delusional and hallucinating for two years now.  My meds keep me stable, but I still live in the fiction a lot.  I need to try something else.  Maybe I can make enough friends and get stable enough to help find or fund something like that.