Flood Info in Google Maps

This is what I’m talking about – #LocalSEODisasterRelief #LocalSEOEmergencyResponse.


As a LocalSEOWannabe – I want to help with the development of emergency preparedness and response worldwide, with iterative differences for user experience between levels (1 – 1000 on #DrDavidHawkins’LOC) in the #GlobalWeirding simulation.

Example from above:

Google presents maps based on the user’s LOC (as calibrated by humans rating over 400) with more and more accurate flood and news data based on the user’s LOC and intentions.

Another example:

Fires in LA.  Same thing.  Other #LocalSEOWannabes or #RespondersInLA track fires burn area on Google maps but the amount of burn area lessens the higher up you are on #DrDavidHawkins’LOC.  Someone that is enlightened, knows it’s all a simulation anyway, and has no little or no burn area on their Google map.  Everyone below 200 has immense damage that gives them many opportunities to up their level/earn better karma.  How they deal with cleanup… How they help their neighbors… What kind of attitude they get… Because ultimately all of those opportunities move them up or down in the #ClimateWeirdingSimulation.