The sunrise is here at 6:39 am today but it’s hidden behind the clouds. Time for coffee instead. I forgot to mention yesterday I won Oklahoma-Opoly. I never win because I’m #ChaoticGood #Unobservant and #Psychic. I went up WAY too high last night. Soared and felt the body separate like a big metal weight. Probably… Continue reading Sunrise 6:39 am
Author: shauna7084
Life is so surreal especially when you don’t know what’s real. Had a great time with my family today. Went out on the boat to fish and troll with my youngest and my father at (not quite) sunrise. We caught two fish and tossed them back. Imagined Oklahoma red dirt was somehow brought through space… Continue reading Surreal
Hello world! (again)
My website was deleted for non-payment while I was on an “extended vacation” to the behavioral health unit this past year. Just now getting to putting things back together. Here it is from before. This site was originally written to talk about the differences between people’s beliefs in God (which there is none). Read here.… Continue reading Hello world! (again)
The Krystal Spiral as Sacred Geometry Replacement for the Fibonacci
I have my good friend Darcie for introducing me to the Krystal Spiral. After reading up on it, I understand the Krystal Spiral’s math perfectly now. It’s what I will call a “hard copy paste” that you can achieve using add-on software on most OSs. The hard-copy-paste comes from being able to store… Continue reading The Krystal Spiral as Sacred Geometry Replacement for the Fibonacci