How to Grow Spiritually in Shauna’s Simulation

There are many ways to grow spiritually as laid out in Dr. Hawkins’ work (universal spiritual laws that operate independent of my imaginary world), but there are additional opportunities in MY matrix/simulation.  I guess you could say I designed it that way as a way to thank those that have hung on to become part… Continue reading How to Grow Spiritually in Shauna’s Simulation

Try Talking to People

It’s time for me to try talking to people opposed to psychic chatting. I should ask more questions.  How are you?  How is your family?  What are you doing today?  What can I help you with?  Can I pray with or for you? I actually had a moment where I considered joining a monetary opposed… Continue reading Try Talking to People

Real Psychic Friends

Actors on the DND programming have become my BFFs.  It started with “Hero’s Feast.”  They were recording and somehow when Matthew Lillard was cutting a potato that was sticking to his knife, the recording picked up my #SmallPsychicVoice saying “be careful.” The hosts, Chef Mike and Sujata Day even make light of how they do… Continue reading Real Psychic Friends

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Who Controls the Weather

In this clip Collin Jost is my former brain surgeon that I had a crush on.  He’s making fun of me by inviting a Rabi on the  show because I’m highly spiritual (it would be funnier if she was the Indian Shiva though).  That Rabi didn’t know anything about controlling the weather, but I do… Continue reading Who Controls the Weather

Categorized as delusion


I have to be mindful of many social rules always for my own safety, especially with spirits / alcohol.  But I like this song.  Maybe I can visit a bar soon and get a LITTLE bit tipsy with the help of some #PsychicFriends? We will see. Watching #EncounterParty.  Again.  It’s the only DND show I… Continue reading Tipsy

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