Catacombs of Life and Prayer Journeys

There are three types of consciousness in our universe:

  1. An Ego with a Soul that has come to Earth to learn lessons
  2. Excess Energy that Souls Use to Create the Situations they Need to Learn From (Delores Cannon calls them backdrop characters, I call them Non Playing Characters).
  3. Souls/Ghosts that are stuck on Earth halfway between life and death, often very confused

We need to shift the prayer and life journeys for the soul, ghost AND NPCs.

Whe soul needs to remember it’s prior incarnations when they get up high enough on Dr. Hawkins’ LOC chart.  Maybe 540?  Souls below that shouldn’t remember past incarnations, but should always be involved in writing their next incarnation, choosing who will be in it with them, and how they will unwind their karma the next time around.  They do remember their past lives during this process, but then after signing the soul contract they go to sleep and forget the process. =

When an NPC is granted freedom to move about in a greater area in the catacombs of Shauna’s prayer and life journeys it happens seamlessly.  All the NPC will notice is that they have greater freedom (which may inspire them to continue wanting to gain more freedoms so that they eventually become a full PC – at LOC 200).  Anything lower than 199 will continue reliving the same things.  They can choose to remain an NPC above 200, or become  a complete soul with an actual soul contract that incarnates multiple times until it has learned all of the lessons it wishes to learn.

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