Me: Am I not in heaven yet?
Voice: Not yet. You have more karma to unwind.
Me: Oh.
Voice: What did you do today to earn good karma?
Me: I took care of my family’s meals today and did some cleaning. Took the dog on a walk. Prayed for a lot of people in the hurricane zone. Tried to not be too crazy.
Voice: It’s not enough. You need to think bigger.
Me: Bigger, or just touch more lives?
Voice: Both. Your ideas are key, though. Build #TheHeavenOnEarthCode. Keep building it and write about it here, to leave pointers on how to keep going up, and how to fix #ClimateWeirding.
Me: But half the time I don’t know if it’s real or not.
Voice: It is.
Me: So when I walked the dog, each house on the street really was someone else’s #HeavenOnEarthCode? And the people that I could hear yelling through one of the doors was probably not in a heaven of choice?
Voice: Yes.