Sunrise Sunset

So yesterday wasn’t a vegetarian day for me.  I meant for it to be, but I was enticed by an eel cucumber roll at Ding.  So I guess I’m off the path of the perfect mystic journey (#ghandishealthguide #themakersdiet) until the pendulum from #sunrisetosunset stops again.  I did make the vegetarian path for 72 hours… Continue reading Sunrise Sunset

Vladimir Putin

One of the many delusions I had at #OakwoodSprings was that I was sent to sing #DeathofBorisGodunov in person with my family (the kids and Robert even came, dressed in his military uniform which I’ve never seen) to “heal” Putin’s bad karma (the healing at LOC-600 which would unravel itself in #AngryEarthMother’s weather), and encourage… Continue reading Vladimir Putin

Driving in Dense Fog in December

#ClimateWeirding I drove my daughter into the #MistsofAvalon to go to work this morning, traveling down Meridian in OKC.  Paired my phone with the #BummedBMW’s stereo playing Solar Heavy’s #ComeAround and #AndyGrammer’s Magic. How is it possible that we have #LondonFogInOKC with a few days left until January?  No snow except for the 3 seconds… Continue reading Driving in Dense Fog in December

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Yesterday Lakeside Farmers Market was open, so I decided to go on my own.  They had like 20 kids (baby goats).  The crows decorated the trees like Christmas ornaments, but since it was Christmas all the vendors weren’t there.  I got a taste of what would be there next time I visit.  Glass-blowing, The Hive,… Continue reading lakeside-yukon

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On the day you moved out #AvaEliseSmith there were two tiny miracles. I only have a pixture of the one! A perfectly placed pile of leaves. The second one was the geese that flew down close over me and Michael.

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I Have a Disability

It is hard for me in groups of people.  I think I hear thoughts of others, and I get very confused.  Despite this, I love being around my family.  But it has to be people I trust.  When I have to figure out if someone is lying to me or not, it’s miserable.

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Squid Game

Watching CBS Morning about Squid Game.  I watched it in the hospital and identified as the protagonist.  It was painful.  My delusion now is that I had a lot to do with the story creation and direction by the time-stopping mechanism I have when I’m killed.

Karma – How Much Bad Karma do I Have that Needs to be Undone

I mean, seriously? Is there multi-generational karma that has to be undone as well?  Or is it just my own?  Is #TheHeavenOnEarthCode not enough to undo my bad deeds, thoughts and actions?  It feels like this could go on forever.  

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