Very Like a Star

Women know how to share responsibility.  Kamala Harris is completely supported by me, offering a psychic connection/link to other strong HONEYBEES (Oprah and Michelle Obama).  The book below is a favorite of mine, teaching young girls how to be LEADERS (honeybees rather than bumblebees). Click it to purchase on Amazon.

The Virtues Project

I’m such a mom.  Discovered The Virtues Project 13 years ago, but it’s still relevant today.  I would never subscribe to it if I hadn’t had kids though.  Embodying teaching about the virtues is something I never would have valued before kids.  Now my kids don’t value it.  They are instead into horror films and… Continue reading The Virtues Project

Lakeside School

Let’s pretend Haze is open to moving part-time to Carlton Landing to give us an excuse to do home school halfway in Bethany and halfway lakeside. What would it look like? S M T W T F S Carlton Landing w/ Mom Carlton Landing w/ Mom Carlton Landing w/ Mom Bethany w/ Dad Violin Lesson… Continue reading Lakeside School

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In my last post I said regular people couldn’t access the level of Jesus and lesser mystics (668 – 1000).  I was wrong.  That’s where the greatest karma is served, earned or undone.  People that serve #MotherEarth or #Jesus or even the #PrayerCallcenterOfTheGods (yes, that’s here too) are rewarded richly in karma. An example of… Continue reading Oops

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Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there was a girl named Shauna that became a mystic after six cranial surgeries and an immense amount of spiritual and self-help study.  Half the time she didn’t know if she was imagining things, or if she was just schizo-affective and being delusional.  However, she decided in 2024 that she was… Continue reading Once Upon a Time

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How to Grow Spiritually in Shauna’s Simulation

There are many ways to grow spiritually as laid out in Dr. Hawkins’ work (universal spiritual laws that operate independent of my imaginary world), but there are additional opportunities in MY matrix/simulation.  I guess you could say I designed it that way as a way to thank those that have hung on to become part… Continue reading How to Grow Spiritually in Shauna’s Simulation


I have to be mindful of many social rules always for my own safety, especially with spirits / alcohol.  But I like this song.  Maybe I can visit a bar soon and get a LITTLE bit tipsy with the help of some #PsychicFriends? We will see. Watching #EncounterParty.  Again.  It’s the only DND show I… Continue reading Tipsy

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