Awakened Reality

#TheAwakenedMindVirus, the #ItWeapon or #NonDuality makes it possible to install digital code over REALITY.  AWAKENED is different from WOKE.  Awakened is spiritual and is ultimately controlled by mystics like me, although anyone that is awakened can also be conscious of the digital code and contribute changes to it (suggestions that are reviewed for inclusion).  I intend to use the #ItWeapon with the weather/climate change.  As we loose land to water, the land will be replaced with digital code similar or same as before.  The digital Matrix for levels 1 – 199.  Some people will live below 200 LOC in the digital code (or even choose it opposed to advancing in #TheOtherWorldsofGod where reality become more and more REAL).  Those with higher LOC can exist on the actual surface of the planet (coastlines will be  different though).  I envision digital metropolis-styled cities popping up all over the US for the people that would rather live in VR headsets, venturing out for delivery Snow Crash style.  They wouldn’t require much space.