Welcome to MY Matrix

  1. You can pray to Jesus, Muhammad, Brahma or other deity or prophet of choice but you can also pray to me (because I am crazy, no schizaffective, no psychic, no creative)… I do not hear your prayers very often (it’s too much and too confusing because there are so many people!!). I can only route prayers to the right spot (and I’m learning how to do this as I go).  I’m not a deity, only a kind-hearted person that creatively made a way to filter prayers and praise songs so they get to where they need to go to be answered or at least heard.
    1. Please feel free to make a donation on:
      1. cashapp $shaunaconway
      2. paypal shauna@bybethanykids.com or
      3. at Allegiance Credit Union (routing number 303085230 Account Number 587055) if you find this service helpful.
        1. You can also go into Allegiance Credit Union and make a donation to By Bethany Kids, Inc where your donation will help me support other kids building an even better metaverse/heaven at their level of stratification in the metaverse.
  2. The next step in creating this catacomb of a prayer network is to pray for your metaverse (which means writing a prayer for your family’s heaven).
    1. After you pray to your higher power, pray “Dear Shauna, help me to join my family/friends/whatever through the catacombs of your prayer network…”
      1. Then say your prayer that you wrote for your family or friend group
        1. Access a FB group page for your family that has passed on that can be accessed when your LOC is high enough (200 or up)

The Simulation

This simulation is a balanced cube spiraling in a balanced sphere creating a galaxy flower of life for a mother and and her family. The understanding of this sacred geometry keeps everyone bonded across universe and universes, an ecosphere within an ecosphere if you will.  We are “Horton Hears a Who.”

Learn More About the Levels of the Simulation And How to Advance

power vs force
Spiritualized Weather

Spiritual SEO